Saturday 23 July 2016

Facts about Electricity:

 Facts about Electricity:
  • Electricity travels at the speed of light - more than 186,000 miles per second!
  • A spark of static electricity can measure up to three thousand (3,000) volts.
  • A bolt of lightning can measure up to three million (3,000,000) volts, and it lasts less than one second!
  • Electricity always tries to find the easiest path to the ground.
  • Electricity can be made from wind, water, the sun and even animal poop.
  • A 600 megawatt natural gas plant can power 220,000 homes.
  • The first power plant - owned by Thomas Edison - opened in New York City in 1882.
  • Thomas Edison invented more than 2,000 new products, including almost everything needed for us to use electricity in our homes: switches, fuses, sockets and meters.
  • Benjamin Franklin didn't discover electricity, but he did prove that lightning is a form of electrical energy.

Artist rendering of the first power plant called Pearl Street Station in 1882.